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Regenerative Ranching
REINE's Regenerative Ranching Model
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Check out our Regenerative Ranching Business Model in this Video, as well as the Investment Rationale.

Regenerative Ranching is the use of a vast combination of grassland, forests, wildlife and cattle management techniques which result in ranching operations that are Green House Gas (GHG) net zero or even net negative (removing more GHG from the atmosphere than what was issued for production).
Net zero or Net Negative GHG emissions is a tremendous outcome from Regenerative Ranching, but there are still a number of other environmental and social benefits, not to mention the production of green food for the world.
Our transformative REGENERATIVE RANCHING business model coupled with the opportunities we have in the Brazilian market will deliver above average, sustainable results to our investors within a highly scalable investment platform, plus additional environmental and social value.
â–ºOut of the 200 million hectares of cleared pastures in Brazil, official surveys show that 50% are now largely degraded areas, overtaken by unproductive weeds and undesirable shrubs;
â–ºWith our Regenerative Ranching Model these areas can be reformed without any deforestation at all and leading to significantly more biomass and a much wider array of plant and animal life;
â–ºThis includes, but is not limited to developing forest corridors, accelerating reforestation, guaranteeing protection of riverside vegetation, amongst a variety of other practices (described in the CIM), to truly regenerate the region;
â–ºThe final result is that this model enables the production of beef which is Carbon Net Zero or Net Negative, very Profitable and which generates real transformation for the local communities;
â–ºThe initial steps of transformation involve one-time mechanical intervention to swiftly reverse the degradation and establish productive adequate grasses - developed over the past 70 years by EMBRAPA, the Brazilian agricultural research institute - together with native trees and other forage plants that soon multiply the amount of vegetation grown in a given area.