Welcome to REINE
Regenerative Investment Network International
Ranching to Improve the World
Invest in Cattle Ranching, Make Significant Returns on your Money and Help Improve the Global Climate
We are a professional ranching company that offers investors' the opportunity to have significant and safe profits, and contribute to improving the environment and communities.
Our legacy ranching business model coupled with the opportunities we have in the Brazilian market will deliver above average, sustainable results to our investors within a highly scalable investment platform and additional environmental value.

Our Regenerative Ranching Model Removes Green House Gases from the Atmosphere
We develop pastures that have enormous biodiversity, as well as we preserve forests and wildlife, turning our ranches into an ecosystem that sequestrates Green House Gases, and is very productive as well.

Cattle Raised in our Ranches is:
Grass Fed
Hormone Free
Pesticide Free
Non Confined

We Help People
We help transform the comunities around our ranches, from empoverished realities to promising new futures.

The social aspect of the project involves two main facets: One is renting third party land and the Neighbor Rancher Program (which offers ranching partnerships to ranchers in the area). These actions generate goodwill, unity with the other ranchers, and income to these ranchers, as well as social development to the area.
The other facet is related to direct help to the local communities, especially related to helping women in the field become economically active and empowered, not only in basic activities but also through technology and innovation.
We also Innovate & Drive New Technologies
As early-adopters & co-developers, we will foster enhancement and scale to deliver reliable technologies specific for ranching.

Ranching Drones GPS Eartags Automated Cattle Counting Health Monitors..... ..... and many others!